Essential Oils


After 2 years of full time studies I landed an amazing job with more pay doing work in exactly what I was going to school for, it was almost perfect.  But then life happened, I end up super ill, after 10 months of sick leave my doctor tried to convince me to lie to a psychiatrist to extend my sick leave and eventually I had to leave my doctor, my job and my family home behind to move north and reset my family life with no idea if I would ever be able to work again.  After losing almost everything, I was introduced to essential oils that not only helped my problem, but I believe put me on the fast track to healing.

The power of being able to control your own body and the issues you have with nature is enlightening.  What we don’t know exists as far as toxicity and what we didn’t know could help us without all the harm, it amazes me every day.  We may not have to live our lives in a medicated state trying to deal with the symptoms of the next issue we are presented with.  We can live true, and whole, naturally and free, we can literally have everything we want and need, if we just look closer at what the real problem is.

I have seen people sleep again, or move again, relax again or feel human again.  The power of what lies in these tiny bottles is not obvious, but when you do experience it, its mind blowing.  People ask me how something designed to scent things can do all these things, there is huge science on plants and our connections to aromas.  And there is evidence that the entire body, every organ can actually recognize scent.  Oils were not designed to scent things; they are part of the original medicine model along with herbs.  Oils allow you to take back control of your body, your health, your mind….it’s really easy, but it’s not simple.

Are you tired, what if I said I knew a way to wake you up without coffee?  Is your heartburn and indigestion killing you after every meal, what if I said there is a way to manage digestive complaints without a prescription and all the lovely side effects listed?  Want to be more than the mom that just gets through the day or dad who can’t handle the chaos?

Essential oils are oil sacs designed to protect a plant, like an immune system to deter disease and bugs.  Science has discovered that the human body can relate to this plant matter on a very similar level, creating immune boosting and healing effects.


Essential oils are effective, natural and simple. The science is already there and has been for a long time, but also continues to develop.

Are you ready to take back your health and feel amazing?  Choose the best option for you below:

1. Please send me a free essential oil sample

2. I would love to work from home helping people live and thrive!

3. I need more info